Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Post #2

Since the internet began, its growth has surpassed my expectations. The internet got it's start when the US Department of Defense wanted a network where scientists could quickly share information from miles away. This network, developed in 1969, was called ARPANET, and allowed scientists and academics to communicate with eachother. Since then the amount of computers linked to the internet has grown exponentially. In 1984 over 1000 host computers were linked to ARPANET. Today, only 23 years later there are over 200 million host computers on the internet. Its increased accessability, and the large amounts of information has made the internet a nessesity quicker than anyone could have anticipated.

Again, things that were taught in class since post 1, are programs that I am already familiar with.

I was born in 1984, and to see how much the internet has grown in my short lifetime amazes me. I always seem to think that there could not possibly be any new technologies that have not already been developed, but the internet keeps growing. It will be interesting to see what computers and the internet will be able to do in another 23 years.

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